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Frequently Asked Questions

The answers to the questions are listed below. If you can’t find the answer to your query, please contact us!

GG stands for Gowtham Ganesh, the creator of the digitally downloadable products, and I have over 5 years of experience in the industry.

Yes, we are a legally registered company. GGBuddy4u operates under our legal company, “Digital Crafts N Love.” Your purchases and transactions are handled by us.

Our website is safe and secure. We use SSL and 256-bit encryption to protect your information. These are standard security measures used across the industry to keep your data safe.

No, we do not send spam emails. We respect your privacy and only send emails related to your purchases or inquiries if you’ve subscribed to our newsletter.

We keep your information safe. We have strict rules about privacy and won’t share your information with anyone else. If you ask us to, we’ll also delete your information.

You can connect with us quickly by emailing us at “” or by using the contact form on our website. Click Here.

You can download the files as many times as you need after making a purchase. There is no limit to the number of downloads.

We have been creating digital products for 5+ years.

Lifetime updates at no cost” means if you’ve bought our product in the past and want to upgrade the spreadsheet without paying again, just check your previous purchase. If you see an update on the product, then email us at “” with your order ID. We’ll send you the updated file for free. If you want to know when new updates are available, subscribe to us.

Yes, we are already in the process of making the tutorial videos for each of our products.

Yes, we offer customization services for our products. Please contact us at “” with your specific customization needs.

Our customization charges vary depending on the complexity of the customization. Please contact us for a quote.

Yes, we can build custom spreadsheets or templates tailored to your specific requirements. Please contact us to discuss your needs further.

Unfortunately, I do not accept returns because of the digital nature of the goods. If you ever run into any problems, I’ll do everything I can to assist you.

Our templates are designed to be user-friendly and easy to use. However, complexity may vary depending on the template. We provide documentation and support to assist you in using our templates effectively.

We sell templates for Google Sheets, MS Excel, PDF’s, Notion, OneNote, GoodNotes, Trello, and Samsung Notes.

No. It will not work because many Google Sheets-specific features do not work well in MS Excel; hence, it will not work. But there are some listings that will have both versions of Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.

No. It will not work because many MS Excel-specific features do not work well in Google Sheets; hence, it will not work. But there are some listings that will have both versions of Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.

Your Query Not Answered?

Please write to us! I’m happy to assist!

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